Alphabetic Index | Tabular List | Neoplasms | Drugs and Chemicals | Injuries
Other abnormal products of conception
Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole
  • Carneous mole
  • Fleshy mole
  • Intrauterine mole NOS
  • Molar pregnancy NEC
  • Pathological ovum
Missed abortion
  • failed induced abortion (O07.-)
  • fetal death (intrauterine) (late) (O36.4)
  • missed abortion with blighted ovum (O02.0)
  • missed abortion with hydatidiform mole (O01.-)
  • missed abortion with nonhydatidiform (O02.0)
  • missed abortion with other abnormal products of conception (O02.8-)
  • missed delivery (O36.4)
  • stillbirth (P95)
  • Early fetal death, before completion of 20 weeks of gestation, with retention of dead fetus
Other specified abnormal products of conception
  • abnormal products of conception with blighted ovum (O02.0)
  • abnormal products of conception with hydatidiform mole (O01.-)
  • abnormal products of conception with nonhydatidiform mole (O02.0)
Inappropriate change in quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in early pregnancy
  • Biochemical pregnancy
  • Chemical pregnancy
  • Inappropriate level of quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for gestational age in early pregnancy
Other abnormal products of conception
Abnormal product of conception, unspecified