Alphabetic Index | Tabular List | Neoplasms | Drugs and Chemicals | Injuries
Newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy
Newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders
  • Newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to O10-O11, O13-O16
Newborn affected by maternal renal and urinary tract diseases
  • Newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to N00-N39
Newborn affected by maternal infectious and parasitic diseases
  • maternal genital tract or other localized infections (P00.8)
  • infections specific to the perinatal period (P35-P39)
  • Newborn affected by maternal infectious disease classifiable to A00-B99, J09 and J10
Newborn affected by other maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases
  • Newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to I00-I99, J00-J99, Q20-Q34 and not included in P00.0, P00.2
Newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders
  • Newborn affected by maternal disorders classifiable to E40-E64
  • Maternal malnutrition NOS
Newborn affected by maternal injury
  • Newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to O9A.2-
Newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother
  • Cesarean delivery for present delivery (P03.4)
  • damage to placenta from amniocentesis, Cesarean delivery or surgical induction (P02.1)
  • previous surgery to uterus or pelvic organs (P03.89)
  • newborn affected by complication of (fetal) intrauterine procedure (P96.5)
  • Newborn affected by amniocentesis
Newborn affected by other medical procedures on mother, not elsewhere classified
  • damage to placenta from amniocentesis, cesarean delivery or surgical induction (P02.1)
  • newborn affected by other complications of labor and delivery (P03.-)
  • Newborn affected by radiation to mother
Newborn affected by other maternal conditions
Newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother
Newborn affected by other maternal conditions
  • Newborn affected by conditions classifiable to T80-T88
  • Newborn affected by maternal genital tract or other localized infections
  • Newborn affected by maternal systemic lupus erythematosus
Newborn affected by unspecified maternal condition